Monday, April 25, 2011

The Magician - Intro

The following is my fiction entry for LitFest this year, and while it's not exactly what I was planning I'm happy with what I have. I've had the idea kicking around since January, but I've been completely unable to get a start on it. It wasn't until five hours before it was due that I managed to write that all important first sentence (for me anyway) and I was finally able to finish it.

I'll probably return to it at some point and expand on the idea and possibly make it more serious and/or gruesome, but for now this is what I have. It's somewhat meant to be symbolic of people that need to have absolutely every small detail of a story, namely the people that hate that Lost didn't answer every single question it posed. Which is why I have so many references to it, and that at one point Mr. Locke declares "...I'm lost."

With the 3,000 word limit I wasn't able to fit as much as I would like (word count is 2,717) which is probably why I'll be going back to it at some point. So anyway, that's a little bit about this particular story. I hope you all enjoy it, and as usual I'd love constructive feedback.

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